Project Description

Transport and traffic consulting services for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games  (544)


ATHOC 2004 /


The project included the determination of transportation policies during the Olympic Games along the Olympic Ring and the Basic Road Network (BRN) and in particular: proposals for Olympic lanes, toll policies, management of heavy vehicles, transfer stations and connections to bus services, identification of alternative routes in congested segments of the BRN, proposals for Olympic Lanes in the alternative routes, traffic management of the Olympic Ring’s Eastern Sector, new operation of the coastal Posidonos Ave.

Special studies referred to traffic management and identification of the necessary interventions for smooth traffic operation during the Olympic and Para-olympic Games, as well as the transitional period. Also case studies included the planning and management of the Controlled Access & Parking Zones (CAPZ), traffic management measures, accredited vehicle pre-checking points, public transport operation, taxi and motorcycle traffic plan, access and supply vehicles. Venues studied consisted of the Hellinikon Olympic Complex, Canoe/Kayak-Slalom, Ag. Kosmas Sailing Center, Nikea Gymnasium, Faliron installations, Piraeus Harbour Area etc.

Olympic transport routing for each venue and client group. Elaboration of traffic management schemes and network functional design with the application of SATURN traffic simulation model.

Services provided:

  • Transportation and traffic studies in Attica and in regions around all the athletic and non-athletic venues, taking into consideration the traffic volumes from different groups, including the Olympic Family and the normal city traffic.
  • Identification of the necessary interventions for the preservation of traffic flow, and the survey of the controlled entrance and parking zones.
  • Investigation of the traffic capacity of the current or under construction road network
  • Computation of the traffic volumes for the Olympic Family movements
  • Proposal and documentation for the traffic management and parking control measures, taking into consideration the special conditions under which the athletic contests take place (marathon, cycling, etc.)
  • Proposal for informational signaling for the guidance of the Olympic Family and the spectators
  • Proposal for the parking management around the Olympic venues
  • Layout of the accreditation checkpoints
  • Study for the pedestrian movements from the areas of disembarkation and embarkation from the mass transportation means to the venues
  • Functional study for the current bus lines and alterations to better service the venues
  • Proposal for spectators’ seats and stations layout
  • Study for the accessibility of the land uses that are affected by the operation of the athletic venues
  • Study and traffic measures for the taxi and bicycle parking
  • Alternative scenarios for traffic management in case of urgent incidents
  • Proposal for measures for the traffic management and operation of the areas around the venues
  • Proposal for traffic operation during the Games within the day
  • Proposal and documentation for the traffic management during the transitory period and the period of the Special Olympics
  • Traffic impact for the operation of the depots (depot and transfer areas).