Project Description

Relocation of Hotel – Casino Mont Parnes (878)

2018, 2020



Provision of technical services for the relocation of the Regency Mont Parnes Hotel and Casino in Dilaveri area of Marousi Municipality.

A Spatial Plan is under elaboration for the development of a tourism / recreational pole in the area and the relocation of the Parnitha Casino, accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Impact Study, the approval of which will be followed by the publication of a Presidential Decree for the urbanization of the area.

Services provided :

  • Investigation of the optimal access system to the property
  • Consideration of all alternative functional organization of the traffic system of the property and selection of the optimal through multi-criteria analysis
  • Configuration, with the collaboration of other discipline experts, of the Specific Spatial Plan pre-approval Dossier, including Suitability Report of the specific site. After its approval, configuration of the Specific Spatial Plan in collaboration with the Urban Planning team
  • Traffic Impact Analysis Report to accompany the Strategic Environmental Impact Study and Traffic Impact Study
  • Calculation of the carrying capacity of the upgraded traffic system in the close project area in order to determine the appropriate number of complex parking spaces
  • Identification of any circulation system improvements needed in the close project area
  • General layout design of the complex, in collaboration with other discipline Consultants
  • Configuration of the Urban Planning Study of the area of intervention with specialization on the improvements on the urban road network surrounding the project area
  • Elevation study of the road and sidewalk system of the project area
  • Optimization of the stormwater drainage system and flood protection of the project area and final study of stormwater drainage system
  • Functional design of internal circulation and parking system of 850 stalls underground garage
  • Horizontal and elevation design of the internal circulation and parking system of the project buildings at final design level