Project Description


2017 to date



Object 1a: Finalization of the project’s Master Plan within the boundaries of the property:

  • Operational and geometrical design of the internal road network and of parking zones within the framework of the Master Plan for the redevelopment of Astir Palace Vouliagmenis and for the creation of luxury residences complex, which includes:
    • Reconfiguration of parking zones and of respective access roads inside the complex, for the allocation of 310 parking spaces
    • Allocation of 243 additional parking spaces in respect to the executed expansion of the establishments
    • Necessary amendments of the infrastructures of the internal road network as well as of the road accesses of the property, for the needs redevelopment
  • Traffic Impact Study, in accordance to Presidential Decree (P.D.) 326/91, based on the final Master Plan (243 additional spaces) and for the purposes of local planning permissions, as well as provision of technical support for the approval by the responsible Authorities (Adm. D9 of Region of Attica).

Object 1b: Technical support to the Marina Technical Consultant in the development of the internal Marina Master Plan

Object 1c: Based on the Final Master Plan, provision of related traffic design input and technical support that may be needed for the legislative / technical work-streams in connection with the preparation of the planning approval (JMD of Aricle 13 of L.3986/2011) in connection with the approval of the Project’s master plan and in particular for the preparation and the finalization of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS). 

Object 2:

  • Stage 1: Concept design of internal pertinent traffic / circulation components (road networks, parking areas, vehicular access, junctions, storm water drainage system of road surfaces etc)
  • Stage 4: Design Development of internal pertinent traffic / circulation components (road networks, parking areas, vehicular access, junctions, storm water drainage system of road surfaces etc)
  • Stage 5: Construction plans of internal pertinent traffic / circulation components (road networks, parking areas, vehicular access, junctions, storm water drainage system of road surfaces etc)
  • Stage 6: Participation in the preparation of Tender Documents of the project
  • Stage 7: Support during the construction stage of road works and of storm water drainage of road surfaces works with site inspections to visually inspect that works are in accordance with the specifications and drawings, provision of site observation notes, reports and photographic records following site visits commenting on any relevant site issues and non-conformances, review of provision of comments to the compliance with design of any shop or fabrication drawings produced and submitted by the Contractor, provision of comments on samples and materials provided by the Contractor, participation to meetings called by the Client / PM, assist the Client / Project Manager for answering technical queries raised by contractors or in connection with change orders / claims, assist the Client / Project Manager in assessing claims, change orders and / or variation orders, checking of the as-built drawings prepared by the Contractor.