Project Description
Hellenic Motorways Technical Advisory (777)
2012- 2014
Hellenic Ministry of Finance
The Inter-ministerial Committee for Asset Restructuring and Privatisations (ICARP) of the Helenic Republic has decided to establish a special purpose company Hellenic Motorways S.A. and to explore the possibilities involved with transfer into that company of the rights presently held by the Republic in the wide array of tolled/ concession motorways under construction or operating across the country.
In pursuit of this, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) of the Hellenic Ministry of Finance has appointed SDG and DROMOS as their Technical Consultant to provide technical and traffic advisory services related to the understanding of the position of each of the concessionaires and to provide support to ICARP in their push to:
- Re-establish the long term viability of 5 Motorway Concessions
- Prepare and execute of any tendering process aimed at assigning the HR’s rights on Egnatia Odos Concession
- Monetise the HR’s interests in the 2 existing Concessions – after the present concession agreements have expired.
Services provided :
Institutional Support:
- Technical Advisor – Member of the Permanent working Committee of the Consultants Group
- Member of the Permanent Negotiations Committee
- Member of the permanent Working Committee for the Egnatia Odos Concession
- Liaison with pertinent directorates of Ministries of Finance and Public Works and the Concessionaires
- Client requirements and deliverables
- Collation of information and models on each concession
- Traffic data collection
- Macro-economics
- Micro-economics and planning
- Behaviour assessment
- Supporting in formulation / restructuring of Toll Policy of Hellenic Motorways.
Project by Project Appraisal
- Identification of traffic data and traffic model availability and establishment of the traffic modelling base
- Traffic data collection
- Traffic model estimation/ validation
- Initial traffic and revenue forecasts
- Review
- Final traffic and revenue forecasts based on the development of a national traffic model
- Reporting
Discussions and negotiations with concession companies
- Assistance in the tendering process of the Egnatia Odos Concession
- Assistance in the estimation of monetary cost – impact of changes in the physical scope of the concessions
- Assistance with the monetisation of the 2 existing Concessions (Attiki Odos JV and Gefyra SA)